Newline Cast - How to Cast From iPhone or iPad

Newline Cast comes with two dedicated apps for iOS, DisplayNote app for iPhone and DisplayNote app for iPad, both of which enables iOS mirroring across different networks.

Airplay is an alternative method to cast as well:

How to mirror your screen from an iPhone or iPad

1. Download and open the DisplayNote iOS app. (Please choose the correct version for iPhone or iPad)

2. Enter the Session ID.

3. Enter your name.

4. Press Connect.

5. If you are the first person to connect, tap the present button

6. You now have two options: Become a presenter and share your screen or Present a video from your phone gallery



Become a presenter and share your screen

  1. Press become a presenter and share your screen
  2. Choose the displaynote app option
  3. Tap the Start broadcast button
  4. You will see a 3-second countdown at the end of which you will mirroring You’ll see a red pill around the time in the top-left corner (or a red bar on top of the screen on older iPhones and iPads). This means that you’re now sharing your device’s screen. If it doesn’t work on the first try, stop the screen sharing and try again.
  5. While mirroring, you can pause and resume the stream at any time
  6. Tap the red circle to stop screen sharing.

Present a video from your device gallery

  1. Present
  2. Select a video to upload it
  3. Select choose
  4. Present a video





When you are screen sharing, you’ll see a red pill around the time in the top-left corner (or a red bar on top of the screen on older iPhones and iPads). This means that you’re now sharing your device’s screen using the iOS broadcast feature. Even though it can look like you are recording your screen, you are not and nothing is stored on your device.   

If screen share feature it doesn’t work on the first try, stop the screen sharing and try again.

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