How to change back to default Wallpaper/Remove custom wallpaper 

This article is made for users with 19RS, 19-23NT, 21Q, 21Z

1. Go to the homepage of your panel 

2. Tap "Settings" (Gear Icon in the top right) 

3. Scroll to "Display & Theme" (Home Settings on NT models) 

4. Tap "Wallpaper" 

5. Select a wallpaper from the stock images to use as a wallpaper 

Tips and Tricks:

  • Due to being able to take screenshots on the panel, sometimes a screenshot will accidentally be set from those images previously taken. Please follow the steps above to correct this. 
  • If the size of the image used for the wallpaper is too large. This can cause overlay on the screen, should this happen please reach out to support and reference this article.
  • Recommended size is 3840x2160, or 16:9 ratio

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