What is Advanced Mobile Management?
Below is a breakdown of what "Advanced mobile management" is in relation to the Google Admin Console
- For more in-depth management of Android devices within Google Admin Console “Advanced Mobile Management" will need to be turned “ON”
- To access this setting, log into your management portal
- Expand "Devices"
- Expand "Settings"
- Click on "Universal"
- Click on "General", on the right-hand side of the window
- Select your entire organization or a specific organizational unit
- There are four options for "Mobile Management"
- Basic
- Advanced
- Custom
- Off
- Turning this feature to "Advanced" or "Custom" will enforce all android devices logged into by a user in that specific organizational unit to download the “Device Policy App” when logging in.
(Android Device Policy App Badge; pictured above)
- "Device Policy App" will create a work profile and push the settings set within your organization's settings package to the device being logged into.
- Note: This applies to all devices signed in to with the user's account, not just Newline panels.
Helpful tips:
Enabling advanced mobile management on your device will cause all android devices in that organizational unit to have Android Device Policy installed on the device, this includes personal cell phones if logged into with their work account. On the Newline panel, separate personal apps into their own section, works apps will also be put into their own section. A picture of the app section with the work profile installed is below
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