NDM - How to Use Remote Execute

If you need to execute a more advanced command or a script, or even apply commands that are not currently available on the NDM+ interface, using the “Remote Execute” command (found under Repositories Actions) is the best answer.

The Remote Execute functionality essentially acts as a user interface for running ADB commands/scripts on your displays.

Creating a New Command

Warning! You are able to run the commands with high local device privileges, so please use this functionality only if you are familiar with writing batches/scripts and you know what you are doing.

On the left side main menu, click on “Repositories” (the clipboard icon) and from the dropdown menu select “Remote Execute”. A new window will open, showing a list of existing commands and bundles.

Alternatively, you can select a panel from your console -> Repositories Actions -> Remote Execute

Click on the "Add New" button in the bottom left of the above window to add a new command.

After this, set a descriptive name that details what actions the Remote Execute command will perform.

Input Explanation

This is where you write the main command

This is where you write the command arguments

Wait for Exit
This will indicate if the command result should be sent after the command finishes running on the remote device or not

Collect Output
This will indicate if the command result output is collected as part of the command result

Run With High Privileges
Run the command with higher local device privileges

Example UsageCMDArgumentsWait for exitCollect OutputHigh Privileges
Get a list of running apps
and display result
top -n 1XXX
Open a website using
a default browser
amstart -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d https://www.newline-interactive.com   
Clear app dataamclear com.android.browser  X

For additional information, please refer to the official Android Documentation

Collect Output Result Example

To see the output of your Remote Execute command, click on "Commands" (the shield icon) and find the remote execute command that was ran.

Then, click on "More Infoto reveal the output from your command.

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