NDM - How to Send Messages

There are two types of messaging functions that can be utilized in the Newline Display Management system.

The two functions are "Send message" and "Advanced message".

Send message only allows text.

Advanced message allows text, pictures, video, and audio.

How to use the "Send message" function

1. In the management portal, select one or multiple panels by adding a check mark next to the devices.

2. Click More actions located on the top menu.

3. Click Send message.

4. Type in the Message title and Message body. The title is mandatory, but the body is not.

5. Click Confirm to send the message to the panel(s).

Below is a screenshot of what the message will look like on the panel.

How to use the "Advanced message" function

1. In the management portal, select one or multiple panels by adding a check mark next to the devices. 

2. Click Advanced message located on the top menu.

3. A window will appear showcasing a list of your advanced messages repositories if previously created,

4. Click Add new to create a new repository.

5. Type a name for your repository. You can also add a description for personal note.

6. Click the content icon on the left.

7. Under Advanced message type, you have the option to select Image/Sound, Youtube URL, and Embed URL/HTML.

8. Select your preferred method and upload any text, pictures, videos, or audio.

  • Note: Under Image/Sound, there is a toggle called Time to display in seconds. If enabled, it means the message will stay up for x seconds. For example, if you set it to 30 seconds, it means the message will stay on the screen for only 30 seconds.

9. Once complete, click Confirm to save the repository.

10. Select the repository you created and then click Apply to send the messages to the panels.

Below is a screenshot of what the message will look like on the panel. A picture and a text has been sent to the panel.

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