NDM - How to Use Wake-on-Lan

A Wake-on-Lan or WOL command is used to power ON panels that are turned off. It deploys a MAGIC PACKET sent over the network and picked up by the device network interface (usually the LAN interface) which is kept operational even when the main power of the device is off.

NDM supports WOL command by using a secondary NDM agent (normally a panel) that is operating in the same network to overcome the infrastructure limitations involved in transporting a magic packet to its destination. This agent acts as a carrier of the WOL command sent from the VISO server (outside your local network) and sends it locally to power on the device.

Basically you cannot send a WOL command to a panel that is powered OFF. Instead, the WOL command needs to be sent to panel(s) that is already powered ON to relay the command to the panels that are powered OFF. 

There are a few requirements on the panel side for this to work.

1. The Wake-on-Lan toggle must be enabled in the panel settings. If your panel does not have the Wake-on-Lan toggle, it means it does not support the function.

2. An ethernet connection is required on the panel for WOL to work, with the exception of the Q and Z series panel. The Q and Z series panel supports WOL over Wi-Fi.

3. The panel must have an active internet connection.

How to send WOL command to power ON one panel.

As an example, Panel A is ON, but panel B is OFF. The objective is to turn on panel B.

Method 1

1. In the device management portal, locate the hardware ID of panel B and right click on it to copy the ID.

2. From there, click the 3 dots on the right for Panel A and then select Wake-on-Lan to enable the mini dashboard for the command.

3. Select Device.

4. Enter device ID of Panel B.

5. Click Confirm.

6. This will send the WOL command to panel A to wake up panel B.

Method 2 (Recommended)

Another method to accomplish this is to use the All group . It is recommended that you use a group of devices instead of one device to use for waking up other devices, this way there is a better chance that one of the group members will be on and ready to wake up others

1. In the device management portal, locate the hardware ID of panel B and right click on it to copy the ID.

2. From there, click on Groups located on the top right side menu.

3. Locate All and then select the 3 dots next to it.

5. Click Wake-on-Lan.

6. Select Device.

7. Enter device ID of Panel B.

8. Click Confirm.

9. This will send the WOL command to all the panels that are powered ON to wake up panel B.

How to send WOL commands to power ON multiple panels.

1. Using the second method except for step 1, select either Filter or Groups to send a WOL command to wake up multiple panels.

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