NDM - How to Enroll a Panel to an Account

1. On the panel, access the Newline Display Management + app. Depending on the model of the panel, this app can be found under the Apps (Q/Q Pro/Z Series) or Gadgets (RS/RS+/NT/X/VN Series) list.

2. For basic setup, enter your account name. Accept the terms and click Enroll.
Steps 3 - 8 will explain the advanced setup option. If you wish to skip the advanced setup, please proceed to step 9.

3. For Advanced setup, click Click here to enroll using the ‘Advanced wizard’. Advanced setup will allow you to add a name, as well as tags to your account.  It’s not required here, as this can also be done on the web portal.
4. Under the Connection info, enter your account name and the name of the panel. Leave the MDM Server address as default which is https://newline.glbth.com

5. (Optional) If you’d like, add a tag and then click Next.

6. (Optional) Add a password to the app if you want to prevent unwanted changes. Click Next when you are done or if you do not want to add a password.

7. Accept the terms and conditions and then click Next.

8. Click Finish.

9. The panel has successfully connected to your account.
10. Log into your online portal and select the "Devices" tab. You will now see your display listed.

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